Monthly Archives December 2021

MAS January Monthly Meeting

IceCube Computing Systems

Steve Barnet MAS January 2022 Speaker

Science is heavy! Teasing out faint signals from the most remote and extreme places in the universe is challenging scientifically, and technically. It takes tons (literally) of data storage, and a lot of computational capacity to collect and sift through the data looking for interesting signals. Steve Barnet has worked on the computing and data collection systems for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory for over 15 years. In this talk, he will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the computing systems powering one of the most unique instruments ever built.

Steve Barnet earned his B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 1994...

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History of the Madison Astronomical Society

The Madison Astronomical Society (MAS) has continuously operated as a club for nearly 90 years. But, like many amateur organizations, MAS has paid only scant attention to documenting its own history. Over the years founders have died, long time members have moved away or moved on, documents have been collected and then lost, and memories have faded.

Over the past two years MAS has finally taken on the task of learning and telling its own story. During that period, a dedicated group has sought out and interviewed many of MAS’s oldest members and those in the best position to speak to its history...

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MAS December Monthly Meeting

Telescope Buying Clinic

MAS Telescope Clinic
If it’s December, it’s time for the telescope clinic. Gift-giving season means you may be on the giving or receiving end of a telescope gift soon. Let’s make sure you can avoid the most common mistakes when purchasing a telescope.

We’ve been doing this event for years, usually live. This meeting will be our second consecutive virtual version of the telescope clinic. We’ll do our best to share the critical info with you, and then allow plenty of time for questions and answers.

We hope you can join us!
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